About Us

We Build Leaders

The academy caters to children and young people with a wide range of educational and artistic activities. We aim to change lives with art by developing self-esteem, life skills, ethics, and humanitarian values. We help students of all ages appreciate art so they start creating their own visual art in classrooms. 

Our core purpose is to develop a strong sense of responsibility and ethics in students through positive competition. Thus, helping students fulfill their true potential and rise to new challenges in life.







Academy Services

GEMZ Academy provides a comprehensive list of the finest educational and artistic activities built upon the highest standards and dedicated to the holistic growth of the body, mind, and spirit.

Performing Arts

Mental Health

Body Health


Performing Arts

Seeing the world in a whole new way opens doors for children to explore the hidden gems of life. Performing arts are not just about entertainment, but a key to more creative and communicative kids.


Music (3 to 6 Years Old)


Arts (7 to 14 Years Old)

Academy Services

Gemz Academy offers a wide array of services which establish the basis for fun learning . We prepare them to meet the challenges of a changing world with the help of body and mind.

Body Health

Physical activities are a sub-category fild that involve games of structured plans aiming to strengthen kids’ core and keep them active. 

Gymnastics Teens (8 to 13 years old)

Zumba Adults (14+ Years Old)

Zumba Kids (7 to 13 Years Old)

Taekwondo (4 to 14 Years Old)

Mental Health

A healthy body is nothing without a healthy mind! Mental health is a vital part of our life as it impacts our thoughts and daily life decisions. We, at Gemz Academy, help you empower your mind and boost your mood with the best head-scratching games.


Music Therapy




Talent is a rare gem, for it is born and not made. Some talents are left behind due to lack of practice. However, Gemz Academy defies time and coats creativity to keep it from rusting. The opportunities we offer help you derive maximum development of your skills.

Activities & Media

Summer Camp Activities

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