Arts (7 to 14 Years Old)

Visual arts education is an area of learning that is based on sight such as drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, jewelry design, pottery, weaving, fabrics, etc. and design applied to more practical fields such as commercial graphics and home furnishings.

Contemporary topics include photography, video, film, design, and computer art. Art education may focus on students creating art, learning to criticize or appreciate art, or a combination of the two.

Art Education Promotes Deeper Learning

Contemporary topics include photography, video, film, design, and computer art. Art education may focus on students creating art, learning to criticize or appreciate art, or a combination of the two.

The benefits include, but not limited to:

  • Developed motor skills: scribbling with markers and crayons is a skill that sets the foundation for learning to write
  • Enhanced self-esteem and self-expression
  • Increased confidence and perseverance by mastering skills, completing art projects, and learning to express oneself in new ways
  • Improved visual processing and memory
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